Dear All,

Nemisha took part in her first MSSDHL tournament...all our super juniors like nemisha, fought in a a bigger age group as a part of their exposure training process. The result is all of them got medal, Nemisha won bronze medal.

I was not happy with her with achievement as she lost a narrow 1-0.If she was to dig deep and kick the girl on the face she could have won 3-1...Never mind part of the learning process.The idea is to get her to exposed to bigger elder opponents.Below is some of the photos from the tournament.
Our Super Juniors gettting warmed up.....
Dont let my teeth fool you!!!!
Papa...Adik belum makan nih....
That Chicken Rice shop looks good...cant wait for lunch time
Dont Mess with The Jagoh
Hey!!! Who you calling Gundu !!!!
Our Super Junior Yossharen in the FInal...against a Poom belt....
Last Minute Coaching.....From Teacher
By getting into the Final he is already a of the up coming Jagoh Champions
Our Super Junior Girls...all got medals - Well done Girls,Next you guys must be sitting In the front as
This is what happens When Shawn Get's Upset !!!!
The Man's behind the Kids......
Nemisha - Bronze Medal
Golden Girls of Convent Kajang
Jagoh Girl Power
Jagoh's Handsome Boys
Jagoh Medalist
Mr.Ram's Golden Family
Mr.Raja's Golden Family
Father & Daughther before the father fullfills his promise to go bald
Father & Son - Father has to shave his head bald now since his son won gold -This is a result of a father goes bald if son win's gold or son goes bald if son looses-


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